


Current infrastructure that is available with you for educational purpose
Attach one set of

1. Visiting card
2. Letter head
3. Profile of your center
4. Construction of the Organisation
5. List of the office bearers
6. Copy of the registration certificate
7. Details of actvities infrastructure facilities
8. Rs. 10000/- against inspection charges etc. are attached for affiliation process.
9. Per course reg. fee 2000/-
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Any other required information & necessary affiliation fee will be made available on demand. Therefore it is requested you to kindly complete the process of affiliation.

I hereby confirm that my training centre, processes and other requirements as mentioned in this application form are true to the best of my knowledge and information. I further assure that we will provide the documents as and when required by the Para Medical Council. I further assure you to provide all the details as required. We further acknowledge and understand that if any information provided by us in the application form or its enclosures is found to be wrong or misleading, Para Medical Council has all the rights to cancel our application and take such penal action as deemed proper.

NOTE : State Board Medical & Vocational Education Board can modify or amend these Terms & Conditions and Charges from time to time as per need without any prior notice

(NGO Registration Certificate, Photo, Aadhar card, Domicile certificate, Pan card,) in one PDF

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